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Flexibility and high load-bearing: the heavy duty truss system MK

ULMA’s engineering solution for the new Pattullo bridge construction in Canada

Pattullo bridge

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Crossing the Fraser river, the Pattullo Bridge is a key connection between New Westminster and Surrey in British Columbia. The bridge, which is more than 80 years old and does not meet modern design standards, is being replaced with a new bridge that will improve safety and reliability for drivers, cyclists, and walkers, as well as goods movement.

Pattullo Bridge overwiew
1. New Pattullo Bridge overwiew

The Pattullo Bridge Replacement project is currently under construction and will maintain this key connection between the cities of New Westminster and Surrey in British Columbia, Canada. This new bridge will have modern travel lane widths and walking and cycling paths on both sides of the bridge that are separated from the traffic by a barrier and will improve safety and ease of travel on this corridor.

Project details and ULMA solutions

Ulma has participated in this project by offering its concrete forming systems: special MK truss, Enkoform HMK and VR tables.

Pylons connected by MK beams
2. The two pylons connected by specially designed MK beams
MK truss for high loads

Two cast-in-situ concrete cross beams are connecting the Pattullo Bridge tower legs at +39.00m and +107.00m elevations. The lower cross beam is 7.00 m wide, 5.50 m high and 31.00 m long; the upper cross beam is 5.50 m wide, 6.50 m high and 28.00 m long.

A special MK Truss is designed to carry these extreme loads and transfer them to the tower legs. Most of the items used in the design are part of the regular MK Structures material family which allows them to be used for future formwork applications. 

The Enkoform HMK

For the first and second stages of pouring, formwork for the bottom slab and the exterior wall of the cross beams are designed to be assembled as a single unit on the ground and lifted to their location on the MK Truss. Single unit formwork is eliminating the need for alignment and the related safety concerns while working at heights.

MK truss being handled with crane
3. MK truss being handled with crane

MK-120 steel walers which create the MK Truss are being used again for the formwork with VM-20 timber beams as the support for the plywood surface. 

VR Tables

For the last stage of pouring, VR Tables are designed to provide formwork for a top slab of the cross beams. Assembly will be done on the ground and will be lifted to their location without the need for any adjustments afterward. Aluprop is providing adequate working space under the formwork in a tight area by having fewer components than regular shoring systems.

Heavy duty truss MK system
4. Render of the heavy duty truss MK system
The construction

The project is being carried out in four phases:

  • phase 1: MK truss and formwork assembly for Lower Cross Beam at +39.00 m elevation;
  • phase 2: dismantling and lowering of the MK truss and formwork together from lower cross beam using strand jacks;
  • phase 3: MK truss and formwork assembly for upper cross beam at +107.00 m elevation;
  • phase 4: dismantling and lowering of the MK truss and formwork together from upper cross beam using strand jacks.
Pattullo bridge from above
5. The new bridge seen from above

Technical data

  • Construction start: April 2021
  • Funded and owned by: Province of British Columbia
  • Project Management services: DCCD Engineering
  • Engineering design and General Contractor: Fraser Crossing
  • Partners in a joint partnership between Acciona Infrastructure Canada and Aecon Group
  • Contact value with General Contractor: 967,5 million Euro
  • Total project budget: 1.377 billion Euro
  • Expected opening date: 2024

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