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TIS Roma 2017

TIS Roma 2017

Dal 10 al 12 Aprile 2017 a Roma

The objective of the AIIT International Congress TIS Rome 2017 is to promote transport as a growing industry and its current significance. The Congress provides a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest are transport and infrastructure engineering. The congress is organized by the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering AIIT founded in 1957. The meeting program will cover all transportation modes, with more than 100 presentations in sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.

The complete TIS international Congress program will be posted to the Congress website – – in February 2017. The congress will host participants from more than 50 countries worldwide, with more than 100 scientific papers. TIS Rome 2017 proceedings will be published by CRC Press/Balkema Taylor & Francis Group. The Publishers will send the Proceedings to Thomson Reuters (Web of Science) and Elsevier (Engineering Village, Scopus) for indexing purposes.

Congress Topics Papers presenting contemporary research about different transportation modes are welcome, including air, road, railway, logistics, maritime and inland waterways. The congress program will cover the following topics, but will not be limited to:

Transport Infrastructure
Asset management in transport infrastructure, financial viability of transport engineering projects/ Life cycle Cost Analysis, Life-Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Assessment of transport infrastructure/ Infrastructures financing and pricing with equity appraisal, operation optimization and energy management/ Low-Volume roads: planning, maintenance, operations, environmental and social issues/ Public-Private Partnership (PPP) experience in transport infrastructure in different countries and economic conditions/ Airport Pavement Management Systems, runway design and maintenance/ Port maintenance and development issues, technology relating to cargo handling, landside access, cruise operations/ Building Information Modelling (BIM) for infrastructure to improve quality and increase productivity on highway, rail, airport and other infrastructure projects/ Pavement design and innovative bituminous materials/ Recycling and re-use in road pavements, environmentally sustainable technologies/ Stone pavements, ancient roads and historic railways/ Cementitious stabilization of materials used in the rehabilitation of transportation infrastructure

Transport Systems
Sustainable transport and the environment protection including green vehicles/ Urban transport, land use development, spatial and transport planning/ Bicycling, bike, bike-sharing systems, cycling mobility/ Human factor in transport systems/ Intelligent Mobility: emerging technologies to enable the smarter movement of people and goods/Airport landside: access roads, parking facilities, terminal facilities, aircraft apron and the adjacent taxiway/ Transportation policy, planning and design, modelling and decision making/ Transport economics, finance and pricing issues, optimization problems, equity appraisal/ Road safety impact assessments, road safety audits, the management of road network safety and safety inspections/ Tunnels and underground structures: preventing incidents-accidents mitigating their effects for both people and goods/ Traffic flow characteristics, traffic control devices, work zone traffic control, highway capacity and quality of service/ Track-vehicle interactions in railway systems, capacity analysis of railway networks/ Risk assessment and safety in air and railway transport, reliability aspects/ Maritime transport and inland waterways transport research/ Intermodal freight transport: terminals and logistics

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