Donne che hanno fatto tanta strada: intervista in esclusiva a Malika Seddi, Segretario Generale e CEO di ASECAP, Associazione europea delle Società Concessionarie di Autostrade, ponti e tunnel a pedaggio
C-ITS - Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
Men who have come so far: an exclusive interview to Tom Alkim, Policy Officer of the European Commission for Automated and Connected Driving at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation
The state of the art of the latest generation technologies available and the gaps to overcome in order to apply them
ITC and automotive for autonomous, connected and cooperative mobility and the five great unknowns still to be cleared
ITC and automotive for autonomous, connected and cooperative mobility and the five great unknowns still to be cleared
An analysis on the MIT strategy - presented to the Chamber by the Undersecretary for Infrastructure, Hon. Giancarlo Cancelleri, to create the conditions for the development of C-ITS services in the digital transformation of infrastructures
Women who have come so far: an exclusive interview to Anna Schirokoff, Chief Adviser at the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
Men who have come so far: an exclusive interview to Pat Cox, European Coordinator for the TEN-T Scan-Med Corridor
The 5G “dispute” against G5: a contribution to the discussion