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Industry 4.0: kontrolON and the digitalization of industrial plants

Tecno presents kontrolON, its system of digitalization of industrial plants, and tells about its experience in the crushing and recycling of inert

Industry 4.0   Per la versione in Italiano:

The success in the aggregate industry

The lockdown has forced Companies to speed up and implement new digital transformation initiatives and gain greater awareness of the importance of innovation.

However, the Digital Transformation process, which involves the integration of digital technologies, new products and IT solutions in the Company, has actually already begun. Digitalization is a real transformation which can involve all Company areas and can lead to the increase in profits and the optimization of time and business activities.

The need to manage data from remote and in real time without having to travel has become even stronger among many people, due to the fast spreading of the Coronavirus.

Companies, that had not yet implemented digitization processes, had to approach interconnection and deal rigorously with their own data, which, up until now, were reported, transcribed and analyzed mostly by hand at the end of the day.

As the technological scenario has become increasingly competitive, entrepreneurs have started to equip their industrial plants with systems that allow the sharing of data and information and that are able to communicate with other applications already used by the Company.

Indeed, the implementation of IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) technologies allows entrepreneurs to explore a wide technological ecosystem which includes a large amount of information collected from remote, in real time and without any obstacle related to the distance between production sites, unforeseen climatic events or the busy schedule of plant managers.

1. The Tecno Research&Development Team

What is missing for this data to become strategic information for the management of SMES?

Since 1999, Tecno, ESCo specialized in digitalization of energy consumption and industrial production, answers to this question.

CEO Claudio Colucci: “Given Tecno’s long experience, we have noted how dispersive it can be to adopt applications – even the most innovative – and limit oneself to the mere collection of data. Thus, it becomes essential to analyze the data recorded, in order to be able to evaluate corrective actions which aim at improving performance. We can confirm that the great advantage of using remote monitoring platforms is the analysis of the data collected.

As our customers were striving to access data of their Companies in the most rigorous and safe way, we designed and created the kontrolON, a 4.0 solution that digitizes data concerning energy consumption, hours and quantities worked, maintenance activities, management processes, CO2 emissions, making them accessible from the smartphone, via app, in real time”.

KontrolON simplifies all business processes avoiding the suspension of activities, as well as other annoying unexpected events which would occur inevitably without a precise planning and control.

The cloud platform detects the requested data, collects them in customized reports and sends automatic alerts in case of anomalies (production below threshold, lack of maintenance or upcoming deadlines, unexpected energy consumption, etc.).

KontrolON dashboards are customizable and mobile friendly. It is possible to add new panels or screens, related to the data to be monitored, by asking to our development team.

“The kontrolON experience do also include a constant education path to build together with its customers over time. A Tecno engineer goes periodically to its client Company to either discuss with the work team whether or not problems have occurred (critical issues, excessive consumption, reducible emissions, downtime, production below the threshold, delays in maintenance activities), or evaluate improvement actions and new strategies for optimizing resources and increasing corporate competitiveness”.

The success of the kontrolON in the aggregate industry

Some industrial sectors have felt more than others the need to digitize their plants and fill the digital gap, including the crushing of aggregates industry. The latter plays an important role within italian economy, as well as in the construction market for the construction of cement and/or bituminous conglomerates, drainage layers, fillings, road paving and – in its thinnest forms – also for the production of plasters, coverings, etc..

The set of machinery used for the processing of aggregates involves massive quantities of energy consumed, as well as costs and environmental effects that should not be underestimated.

Therefore, entrepreneurs in this specific industry have perceived immediately the benefits of using the kontrolON, in terms of improving business performance and production efficiency.

The automatic acquisition of data is translated in time and costs reduction for all the Companies that Tecno meet during this journey of digital transformation.

2. The dashboard of kontrolON

kontrolON case history: Ecologica 2000

Aggregates coming from building processes (industrial, residential, etc.) are treated in special disposal plants.

This is the core business of Ecologica 2000, a Company that has been involved for years with ANPAR (National Association of Recycled Aggregate Producers) in spreading correct information about this sector; since ‘91 the Company is specialized in the recovery and treatment of waste material from construction processes. Ecologica 2000 has ranked 1st in Rome for the recovery and recycling of inert waste, as well as in the collection and disposal of non-dangerous waste.

“The main need that emerged during our first meeting with Ecologica 2000 – explains Colucci – was to:

  • acquire a monitoring system that would allow the material entering and leaving the plant to be viewed from remote and in real time;
  • have a unique solution to both control, from any place and in a precise way, the quantity of inert waste entering the plant and processed;
  • receive a periodic report to check the progress of production and working times.

Therefore, Ecologica 2000 chose kontrolON – our system for controlling production and consumption of industrial plants – in order to make correct measurements and to control production at any time. We are proud of the results and of customer satisfaction”.

Paolo Barberi, General Director and Account Manager of Ecologica 2000 and President of ANPAR, said: “We firmly believe that in a scenario of multiple offers, the kontrolON system has several advantages”.

kontrolON allows you to experience digital innovation and to control all Company data from remote. It is a simple and innovative tool through which to embark on a new path towards the digital change. Furthermore, it is compatible with the 4.0 incentives and meets the requirements of the 2020 Tax Credit.

Industry 4.0: from big data to good data with kontrolON.

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